HomeNEWSSwing collaborates B² to enhance cross-chain functionalities

Swing collaborates B² to enhance cross-chain functionalities


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Fast-growing decentralized cross-chain liquidity protocol, Swing has partnered with B² network. The network made the announcement on Tuesday via a post on its official page on X. As a result of the strategic partnership, Swing will integrate to its list of supported networks. 

Following the partnership, B² will support the existing networks on Swing to facilitate cross-chain swaps from major EVM chains with just a single click. Consequently, the collaboration will help enhance the infrastructure of Swing, aiding it in completing cross-chain swaps efficiently. 

In the announcement, Swing described B² as the first Bitcoin roll-up based on verification commitment. In addition, the network also labels B² Hub as the first Bitcoin Data Availability (DA) layer that attains finality on the Bitcoin network. 

Previous Collaborations 

Before the collaboration with B², Swing partnered with Angle Protocol, a renowned capital-efficient decentralized stablecoin protocol that designed EURA and USDA. The partnership surfaced as part of Swing’s focus to simplify cross-chain liquidity for EURA and USDA.

Likewise, Swing also partnered with BOB in May, a leading hybrid layer 2 network to facilitate swift cross-chain swap and bridging. According to a Binbits report, the integration with BOB is aimed at enhancing users’ experience and facilitating seamless cross-chain swap. 

Also, the firm has partnered with Coreum to simplify the process of designing DeFi applications on some popular blockchain networks. Some of these networks are Ethereum, Arbitrum, Polygon, Optimism, Avalanche, Moonbeam, and Binance Smart Chain. 

Side Note on Swing 

Meanwhile, Swing is a decentralized cross-chain liquidity protocol that aggregates liquidity across blockchains in a trust-less manner. The cross-chain liquidity protocol allows traders and yield farmers to move their funds seamlessly across different networks.

Additionally, the network is committed to allowing users to swap their assets across different ecosystems with limited slippage. To achieve this goal, Swing supports popular networks, bridges, and liquidity sources in the DeFi landscape. 

The protocol is managed by a Decentralized Autonomous Organization known as Swing Governance. The organization is based on governance contracts and decisions relating to the betterment of the protocol are determined by votes based on token holdings. 

Therefore, the native token of the protocol is used to vote on changes relating to the multi-chain liquidity protocol. However, a holder can vote directly or allocate their vote to another Ethereum address. 

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David Idowu
David Idowu
David Idowu is a crypto reporter and trader with wealthy years of experience. He believes that blockchain technology has numerous opportunities that are begging for proper utilization. Away from work, David is either reading about World Politics, History or Tech Innovations.

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